MAN leader: acts of corruption must be punished more harshly
09 December 2022
The MAN party categorically declares itself against corruption and actively advocates for combating this phenomenon with much tougher mechanisms. The leader of the formation, Ion Ceban, claims that the state, in the process of fighting corruption, must focus its efforts, in particular, on its prevention by eliminating and reducing risk factors.
“MAN supports the tightening of measures to sanction corruption crimes. At the same time, MAN strongly believes that the policies in the field must aim at establishing the certainty of holding corrupt persons accountable. MAN does not tolerate any kind of corruption. At the same time, based on the current circumstances, we believe that the state’s coercive instruments must primarily focus on investigating cases of grand and political corruption, because this most affects democracy, national security and the lives of citizens”, declared Ion Ceban.
Also, the National Alternative Movement proposes that every citizen, regardless of social status, benefit from equal justice, can count on the transparency and impartiality of the system. According to the MAN leader, the recent revelation of private discussions held by the country’s highest civil servants has shown that justice is being faked, and group interests prevail over the interests of a rule of law.
“Independent justice is the guarantor of democracy, social peace and a favorable investment climate. Like the whole society, our team has witnessed the intensive reforms of each government. However, the declared objectives and goals were not achieved. The reforms were mimed to promote the interests of certain groups of people, who ruled openly or behind the scenes. It is certain that, without effective and efficient justice, there cannot be a state of law and no state that claims to become a member of the European Union”, declared Ion Ceban.
In this context, the leader of the formation, Ion Ceban, specified that a rule of law must be based on a professional judicial system and independent from the influence of any factors, especially political ones. The actors of the system must be assured that they can act independently and on the basis of existing laws, without indications or pressure of any kind.
“MAN advocates for the strengthening of managerial responsibility, ensuring a clear balance between Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. This principle will represent the cornerstone for transparency, compliance and performance in the delivery of public services to citizens. We believe that the justice system will enjoy the trust of the people when justice will not only be done, but will also be seen as done”, added Ion Ceban during the first congress.